Jan 28, 2011

Day 25

Yesterday I bumped up to 50mg of Sertraline/Zoloft

Reluctantly. Even more reluctantly, I took 1/2 a Clonazepam to help ease my anxiety and get a good night worth of sleep. The first day I had no real major side-effects. I did have a headache (not sure if it was the drugs), except for a feeling of inner zitteryness I can't really explain. Like I had drank too much coffee. And then a couple times I caught myself staring off into space.

Today is the 2nd day of taking the full pill. My doctor thought that going up to 50mg might alleviate some of my nighttime issues (panic). He asked how much relief the 25mg of Sertraline was giving me and I told him about 40-60%, depending. Possibly it is more close to 60 on a good day, considering I should be about running in the streets crazy, considering my family situation right now. So, he's hoping 50mg will get me to 90% better.

We'll see.

I miss having my wine. I mean I've had wine and I've had a beer here and there. But I miss having significantly more than that. I know that sounds kind of disgusting, maybe. But I thoroughly enjoy sitting around with friends, food and a few bottles of wine. Not to say that is impossible, but I haven't tried yet. I wanted to level out my meds first.

Additionally, I'm concerned about the weight loss part. So many people have difficulty losing weight - and even gaining. I'm hoping I don't. That might be a make or break deal for me.

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