Jan 6, 2011

Day 3

Today is Day 3, but I'm talking about yesterday, more.

All went well yesterday. Had a slight headache, but nothing that inhibited me from performing my normal duties. Other than that, no real symptoms beyond feeling a bit foggy, clouded. Kind of like I do when I first get up, have been up for a bit, but haven't had my coffee. But the flip side of that is that my head isn't seeming to run so many circles. Kind of weird for a Day 3 (I know it takes time to build up in your body), but I think I'm feeling some effect already. I've also been taking vitamins for over a week, though, so that might be part of it.

And I haven't had a drink in 2 days. Normally I have a glass or two of wine every night, but I wanted to hold off on drinking any wine for at least the first few days on this medicine.

I took the Klonipin/Clonazepam last night (1/2 pill) again. It didn't make me too tired until about 3 hours later, so I'm glad I took it earlier (7:30pm). I have to say, though, it was nice getting to bed, getting to sleep at a semi-normal time. Usually I'm up until 12:30. I love being a night owl, and prefer being up later, but my "later" keeps getting later and later, and I am exhausted.

I think it helps, in my mind, to think of this all as a short-term experiement. Right now I feel pretty committed. And I'm trying to just trust and go with it, even though, there's a part of me that is completely against it. If it makes me a better mom by calming my irritations, fears and need to control... great. If it makes it easier for me to make up my mind, form a solid plan and do it... fantastic.

And if it doesn't work out well for me... at least I tried.

I'm not thrilled about upping my dosage after a week, simply because I seem to be having some benefits from the dose I'm taking. Maybe I won't. I'm going to try not to worry about that and just live in today.

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