I'm trying again. Sertraline.
I shouldn't over think it, but I'm just pretty miserable. I'm thinking it might partly be my personality and not even a depression or anxiety. I'm feeling pretty hopeless. I just can't seem to stay happy for very long. I have obsessive thoughts that run in my head all the time. I can't even explain it.
At any rate, last week I decided I wanted to take it again. Life has been pretty difficult, and I can't seem to be happy or satisfied. I feel like my marriage might end. Part of me wants so much to be around the people I love, and part of me just wants to be alone.
Part of me wants to pack up my hobbies and head to a cabin somewhere and never talk to anyone. Shut the world out.
At any rate. I'm close to quitting everything. My job, my marriage. So I figured