May 1, 2017

Day 1 Again

I'm trying again.  Sertraline.

I shouldn't over think it, but I'm just pretty miserable.  I'm thinking it might partly be my personality and not even a depression or anxiety.  I'm feeling pretty hopeless.  I just can't seem to stay happy for very long.  I have obsessive thoughts that run in my head all the time.  I can't even explain it.

At any rate, last week I decided I wanted to take it again.  Life has been pretty difficult, and I can't seem to be happy or satisfied.  I feel like my marriage might end.  Part of me wants so much to be around the people I love, and part of me just wants to be alone.


Part of me wants to pack up my hobbies and head to a cabin somewhere and never talk to anyone.  Shut the world out.

At any rate.  I'm close to quitting everything.  My job, my marriage.  So I figured

Mar 30, 2011

Day... I don't know

January 4th was Day 1. I don't know what day this would be, but it is now almost April 1st. So, approximately 2 months of taking Zoloft (Sertraline) so far. I've been taking it at the .25 dosage, with the addition of Klonipin (Clonazepam) whenever I need it. That fluctuates.

So far, I've been pretty content with how the Sertraline is working. I have relief, but I still feel like me. But I don't have the "level of relief" my doctor was looking for and he suggested I try bumping up to the prescribed base dosage.

I was hesitant, but then I also figure I have my foot in the water, I might as well get wet. If I don't like it, I'll get out and dry off.

As much as I lean on my anxiety as my main "issue" he said he was looking at the depression component as a significant issue as well. But, I walk, talk, fulfill duties, get some joy out of life... how can I be depressed.

He said I was stoic, and was able to put up a good front, wasn't crying, but still. My lack of joy at times when I should be joyful was one of the tip offs. Among others that I can't remember enough to name. All I know is as he talked I realized he was right. I also realized he's a psychiatrist and the prescribe meds. I hate how so many of them have never been on those meds that they prescribe.

My mind really doesn't want to take these things. I'd rather drink for some reason. At least people have been drinking for years and years and you know what it does to them. The meds, not so much. Although I know, for me, I have lessened anxiety and a bit more calm. As my body allows me this I'm really working hard to change behaviorally because I really don't want to be on these meds forever. I'm really kind of scared of coming off them.

But I'm not going to worry about that right now.

I'm on my 3rd day of increase, and feel little difference. I'm not slammed with headaches like I was when I went right into a 50 dosage of the Sertraline. I guess staying on .25 for two full months before bumping has its benefits. Since that 1/2 dose did make some improvements it is fair for me to try the full dose and hope for even more significant improvement. But if there isn't, I'm going back down to the 1/2.

Jan 28, 2011

Day 25

Yesterday I bumped up to 50mg of Sertraline/Zoloft

Reluctantly. Even more reluctantly, I took 1/2 a Clonazepam to help ease my anxiety and get a good night worth of sleep. The first day I had no real major side-effects. I did have a headache (not sure if it was the drugs), except for a feeling of inner zitteryness I can't really explain. Like I had drank too much coffee. And then a couple times I caught myself staring off into space.

Today is the 2nd day of taking the full pill. My doctor thought that going up to 50mg might alleviate some of my nighttime issues (panic). He asked how much relief the 25mg of Sertraline was giving me and I told him about 40-60%, depending. Possibly it is more close to 60 on a good day, considering I should be about running in the streets crazy, considering my family situation right now. So, he's hoping 50mg will get me to 90% better.

We'll see.

I miss having my wine. I mean I've had wine and I've had a beer here and there. But I miss having significantly more than that. I know that sounds kind of disgusting, maybe. But I thoroughly enjoy sitting around with friends, food and a few bottles of wine. Not to say that is impossible, but I haven't tried yet. I wanted to level out my meds first.

Additionally, I'm concerned about the weight loss part. So many people have difficulty losing weight - and even gaining. I'm hoping I don't. That might be a make or break deal for me.

Jan 24, 2011

Day 21

Still on the 25mg.

Contemplating. Put a call in to my doctor regarding the possibility of upping the dose or staying the same. Also want to ask him about the sleep issues.

I took a Clonazepam this weekend, due to high stress, inability to sleep. Worked like a charm. It doesn't knock me out, but it does seem to knock out the transitional panic I seem to have when I turn the lights out before bed. It also seems to keep me asleep, and I feel like I have a better night of sleep. I a bit frustrated with that simply because I don't want to rely on a drug to help me. And I see that this drug is clearly helping me.

Jan 20, 2011

Day 17

I feel like I've been on Sertraline/Zoloft longer than 2 weeks and a couple days. Time wanders without indicating where it is going.

I'm still on 25mg.

I'm not taking the Clonazepam anymore. I weaned myself off it a few days ago. I think I'm on about day 5 without it, but looking at the calendar, I haven't been the best judge of time.

How did I wean myself off of Klonopin/Clonazepam? If anyone ever reads this, I know it is an area of interest to some. I was concerned about addiction and withdrawal. Concern is actually a light word. It was a source of anxiety for me. It heightened my concern that I hadn't bumped up to 50mg of the Sertraline/Zoloft prior to weaning from the Klonopin/Clonazepam first. My psych thought that the Zoloft would kick the Klonipin aside, and my need for it would be reduced or diminished at the 50mg dosage. He didn't think I'd have any issue getting off it, withdrawal-wise.

I'm not saying I'm smarter than my doctor, but I didn't 100% trust his idea of abrupt discontinuation. And if weaning (prior to scheduled) eased my mind, it shouldn't be an issue.

So here's my little "bit" about the Clonazepam:

I started at 1/2 pill, went up to 1 pill, and maxed out one night taking 1.5 pills. The 1.5 was a bit too much for me. This was all prior to Sertraline. Once on the Sertraline, I didn't intend to go over 1/2 pill, concerned that the combo might be too strong.

This worked for me. I had very little side-effects to the Sertraline, besides some tummy upset (gas, gas and more gas). I slept at night pretty well the first couple nights, but then did have some difficulty after that. I started taking the Clonazepam a bit earlier (5pm one night), to try to have it kick in by 10:30pm. It seemed to be working, I was sleeping earlier. Having a hard time getting up in the morning, but getting to sleep wasn't so bad.

How I weaned: Basically instead of taking the 1/2 pill, I took a 1/4 pill for about 3-5 days. I should have probably been more precise about what I did, and I'm trying to do that now. I didn't think it would really matter, but I really didn't want to deal with any ill-effects from suddenly quitting.

I can't say I had any side-effects, but I can say what I miss: Not having a panic attack when I tuck in for the night. Getting to bed at an earlier hour. I miss those things.

I don't miss taking a pill each night and worrying about being addicted to it. Although, admittedly, my body's dependence on Zoloft is increasing every day I pop that sucker into my mouth, so whatever.

My mind is a bit cloudy. I don't know if that's from the wear-off of Clonazepam, or the set-in of Sertraline. The Sertraline seems to have continued to keep me on a more even emotional plane, but my nights are a bit difficult. Trouble getting to sleep. Issues with feelings of panic and dread when I'm tucking in to go to sleep. The Sertraline isn't kicking that. Booze and Clonazepam does.

So, I don't know.

I don't know if I will up the Sertraline and see if that is the trick, or if I'll wait it out and see if the 25mg will do it if I continue. Or if I go back to the Clonazepam.

Right now I've got a lot on my plate, and in my life. I can't discount that it is normal to have concerns and normal to think about them. Not so normal to have them run around your head like a hamster on crack, incapable of making a decision, contemplating driving your car off the road, insomnia.

I'm functioning better than I normally do, despite multiple family concerns, stress, and fatigue. But I also feel a bit numb and spacey. That's probably better than agitated, homicidal, insane, though.

Jan 13, 2011

Day 10

Contrary to my last post, still on 25mg. Not inclined to bump up anymore. I mean I am because I fear that 25mg isn't enough. But I'm not because if I can find enough relief at a smaller dosage, I'm all for it.

One of the times I took Sertraline, I started out right at 50mg. Not good. Felt like crap, falling asleep at my desk at work. Insomnia. Felt wired, but tired at the same time. Possible?

At 25mg I don't feel that. I feel pretty normal. Slightly less "wheel turning" going on in my head. Still able to feel emotions. Still able to function. But I do have to say the first week was actually better than this second one. I don't know why. Possibly that means I need to bump up, but possibly it means that I need to just hang in and give it more time.

I'd like to move away from the Clonazepam and see how it is for me after doing that. I feel kind of spacey after taking it for a while now. So I might touch base with my doctor and see what his thoughts are.

I'm starting to worry about weight-gain and inability to lose weight. My hope was that the Sertraline would take the edge off of my emotions so that I wasn't emotional eating so much. My fear (from what I've read) is that it will decrease my metabolism to that of a slug and not matter what I do I won't be able to lose weight.

But that's a worry I don't need to worry about right now, right? So I'll try not to.

Jan 11, 2011

Day 8

Today I was supposed to move up another 25mg to get to the 50mg dosage.

I didn't.

I don't have a specific reason beyond not wanting to rock the boat. Nothing I can put my finger on really. I guess I still have the same hangups with simply not wanting all these chemicals in my brain. But I'm also feeling less "spinning" going on in my head. It's not gone, but it certainly isn't crippling me like it was a couple weeks ago.

I do feel tired, though, and have a hard time waking up in the morning. I think it might be the Clonazepam, and when I start thinking about that I begin to really freak out because of all the talk about benzo withdrawals. I literally have to tune my brain off of it and just ride with the flow. Where I was the past few weeks is not a good place. The anxiety and depression... I was really struggling.

I just want to get over this hump. Take the meds for a few months, cope, get back to feeling better, and then wean off. That's my hope. I don't know, though. Sometimes I feel like I've switched the booze at night for the Clonazepam and how do you teach yourself to go to bed at night? I can't command sleep.

I guess I hope with the Sertraline stopping the wheels from spinning I won't need the Clonazepam. And I hope that I'm not setting myself up for some major withdrawls. There. There goes the wheel spinning. How interesting.

Tonight I took 1/2 of the Clonazepam and then another 1/4 because it's been a rough one. The past couple days have been kind of rough. But, according to what I've been reading, with a good week behind me, my levels of Sertraline should be pretty decent. So as much as I have a distaste for benzos, I do wonder if they've helped me avoid some of the panic and anxiety this first week of meds. As much as I tell myself I want to wean off the Clonazepam, I will stick with it, and I will do my best to get up to 50mg of Sertraline in the next day or so.

I think I can, I think I can.